
  • ExportablePersistenceAdapter
  • DeletablePersistenceAdapter
    • ReferencePersistenceAdapter

Implemented by


mode: "reference"


  • Exports a reference of the database for the adapter to save. This is called whenever Sylvie.saveDatabase() is called and the adapter mode is "reference". Instead of passing a serialized string, this method passes a reference to the database. It is up to the adapter to serialize it and call the callback when done. This allows adapters more flexibility on how the documents are serialized, as working with only the serialized database string dump may be limiting.


    • dbname: string

      the name of the database to export

    • dbref: default

      a reference to the database to export

    • Optional callback: PersistenceAdapterCallback

      the callback to handle the result or error after exporting

    Returns void

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